Oklahoma at Notre Dame
@ Notre Dame, IN (Purcell Pavilion at the Joyce Center)
9/9/2023 at 2:01 pm

Final 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Notre Dame (4-2,0-0 ACC) 27 25 14 25 18 3
Oklahoma (5-2,0-0 Big 12) 29 21 25 22 16 2
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th  |  5th
OU -- 1st -- ND
  F-513 starters: Cailey, Dockery; Sydney, Palazzolo; Lauren, Tarnoff; Charity, McDowell; Ava, Lange; Nicole, Drewnick.  
  F-522 starters: Payton, Chamberlain; Hannah, Pfiffner; Alexis, Shelton; Daleigh, Ellison; Lydia, Burts; Taylor, Preston.  
1-0 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Shelton, Alexis). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 1-1
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Dockery, Cailey). Point ND 1-2
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Bad set by Kemohah, Callie. Point ND 1-3
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 1-4
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 1-5
2-5 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Bad set by Palazzolo, Sydney. Point OU
3-5 [Burts, Lydia] Attack error by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Burts, Lydia] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 3-6
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie.  
[Alexander, Maisie] Service ace (Preston, Taylor). Point ND 3-7
[Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Lange, Ava). Point ND 3-8
4-8 [Alexander, Maisie] Service error. Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 4-9
  OU subs: Corral-Blagojevich, Mele.  
5-9 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Pfiffner, Hannah). Point OU
  OU subs: Thompson, Sydney .  
6-9 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah. Point OU
  ND subs: Schrader, Phyona.  
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 6-10
  ND subs: Schrader, Phyona; Manitzas, Alyssa .  
7-10 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
8-10 [Kemohah, Callie] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 8-11
[Monson, Hattie] Bad set by Chamberlain, Payton. Point ND 8-12
9-12 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
10-12 [Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
11-12 [Chamberlain, Payton] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (block by Ellison, Daleigh; Burts, Lydia). Point OU
12-12 [Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Service error. Point ND 12-13
13-13 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
14-13 [Shelton, Alexis] Service ace (Team). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Tarnoff, Lauren (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 14-14
15-14 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Service error. Point OU
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee.  
16-14 [Fay, Rylee] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Pfiffner, Hannah). Point OU
17-14 [Fay, Rylee] Attack error by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Fay, Rylee] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 17-15
18-15 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
19-15 [Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 19-16
20-16 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
21-16 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Thompson, Sydney ). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 21-17
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Bad set by Chamberlain, Payton. Point ND 21-18
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 21-19
22-19 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Service error. Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole), block error by Burts, Lydia. Point ND 22-20
23-20 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 23-21
[Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 23-22
[Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 23-23
24-23 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Burts, Lydia (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Service error. Point ND 24-24
25-24 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Burts, Lydia (from Lange, Ava). Point OU
[Fay, Rylee] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 25-25
[Alexander, Maisie] Attack error by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 25-26
26-26 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 26-27
27-27 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
28-27 [Thompson, Sydney ] Attack error by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
29-27 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
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OU -- 2nd -- ND
  F-513 starters: Cailey, Dockery; Sydney, Palazzolo; Lauren, Tarnoff; Charity, McDowell; Ava, Lange; Nicole, Drewnick; Hattie, Monson; Maisie, Alexander; Phyona, Schrader; Alyssa, , Manitzas.  
  F-522 starters: Payton, Chamberlain; Hannah, Pfiffner; Alexis, Shelton; Daleigh, Ellison; Lydia, Burts; Taylor, Preston; Callie, Kemohah; Mele, Corral-Blagojevich; Sydney, , Thompson; Rylee, Fay.  
  ND subs: Manitzas, Alyssa ; Alexander, Maisie; Schrader, Phyona.  
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee; Corral-Blagojevich, Mele; Thompson, Sydney .  
1-0 [Chamberlain, Payton] Service ace (Monson, Hattie). Point OU
2-0 [Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 2-1
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (from Kemohah, Callie). Point ND 2-2
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Service ace (Shelton, Alexis). Point ND 2-3
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 2-4
3-4 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Service error. Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Tarnoff, Lauren (from Burts, Lydia). Point ND 3-5
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie.  
4-5 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
5-5 [Burts, Lydia] Service ace (Palazzolo, Sydney). Point OU
[Burts, Lydia] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 5-6
  ND subs: Schrader, Phyona.  
6-6 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 6-7
  ND subs: Manitzas, Alyssa .  
  OU subs: Corral-Blagojevich, Mele.  
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 6-8
7-8 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by McDowell, Charity (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
  OU subs: Thompson, Sydney .  
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 7-9
8-9 [Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 8-10
9-10 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 9-11
10-11 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (block by Tarnoff, Lauren). Point ND 10-12
[Alexander, Maisie] Attack error by Burts, Lydia (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 10-13
[Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole), block error by Burts, Lydia. Point ND 10-14
[Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 10-15
11-15 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee.  
[Fay, Rylee] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 11-16
12-16 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
13-16 [Ellison, Daleigh] Bad set by Lange, Ava. Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 13-17
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 13-18
14-18 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by McDowell, Charity (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 14-19
15-19 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Service error. Point ND 15-20
[Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 15-21
16-21 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
17-21 [Chamberlain, Payton] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (block by Burts, Lydia; Ellison, Daleigh). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Service error. Point ND 17-22
18-22 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
19-22 [Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
20-22 [Shelton, Alexis] Bad set by Drewnick, Nicole. Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Tarnoff, Lauren (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 20-23
21-23 [Alexander, Maisie] Attack error by Lange, Ava (block by Preston, Taylor; Burts, Lydia; Ellison, Daleigh). Point OU
[Fay, Rylee] Kill by Drewnick, Nicole (from Palazzolo, Sydney). Point ND 21-24
[Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 21-25
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OU -- 3rd -- ND
  ND subs: Manitzas, Alyssa ; Alexander, Maisie; Schrader, Phyona.  
  OU subs: Corral-Blagojevich, Mele; Shelton, Alexis; Thompson, Sydney .  
  F-513 starters: Cailey, Dockery; Sydney, Palazzolo; Lauren, Tarnoff; Charity, McDowell; Ava, Lange; Nicole, Drewnick; Hattie, Monson; Maisie, Alexander; Phyona, Schrader; Alyssa, , Manitzas.  
  F-522 starters: Payton, Chamberlain; Hannah, Pfiffner; Alexis, Shelton; Daleigh, Ellison; Lydia, Burts; Taylor, Preston; Callie, Kemohah; Mele, Corral-Blagojevich; Sydney, , Thompson; Rylee, Fay.  
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee; Kaminski, Chloe.  
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Service ace (Team). Point ND 0-1
1-1 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh. Point OU
2-1 [Burts, Lydia] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Dockery, Cailey). Point OU
3-1 [Burts, Lydia] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Burts, Lydia] Kill by Drewnick, Nicole. Point ND 3-2
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie.  
[Alexander, Maisie] Attack error by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 3-3
4-3 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Preston, Taylor). Point OU
5-3 [Ellison, Daleigh] Service ace (Palazzolo, Sydney). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 5-4
6-4 [Drewnick, Nicole] Service error. Point OU
  OU subs: Shelton, Alexis; Thompson, Sydney .  
7-4 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  ND subs: Schrader, Phyona.  
  OU subs: Shelton, Alexis.  
8-4 [Thompson, Sydney ] Attack error by Drewnick, Nicole (from Palazzolo, Sydney). Point OU
  ND subs: Schrader, Phyona.  
9-4 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Burts, Lydia). Point OU
10-4 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Kemohah, Callie). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Service error. Point ND 10-5
  ND subs: Manitzas, Alyssa .  
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 10-6
11-6 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Service error. Point OU
12-6 [Kemohah, Callie] Attack error by Schrader, Phyona (block by Burts, Lydia; Shelton, Alexis). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Service error. Point ND 12-7
13-7 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 13-8
14-8 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Kemohah, Callie). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Attack error by Ellison, Daleigh (from Burts, Lydia). Point ND 14-9
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Bad set by Chamberlain, Payton. Point ND 14-10
15-10 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Service error. Point OU
  ND subs: Trump, Lucy.  
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee.  
16-10 [Fay, Rylee] Attack error by Trump, Lucy (from Tarnoff, Lauren). Point OU
  ND subs: Trump, Lucy.  
17-10 [Fay, Rylee] Attack error by Tarnoff, Lauren (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Fay, Rylee] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 17-11
18-11 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
19-11 [Ellison, Daleigh] Service ace (Dockery, Cailey). Point OU
20-11 [Ellison, Daleigh] Attack error by Trump, Lucy (block by Chamberlain, Payton; Pfiffner, Hannah). Point OU
21-11 [Ellison, Daleigh] Service ace (Trump, Lucy). Point OU
22-11 [Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
23-11 [Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Kemohah, Callie). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 23-12
  OU subs: Corral-Blagojevich, Mele.  
24-12 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Trump, Lucy (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 24-13
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Bad set by Chamberlain, Payton. Point ND 24-14
25-14 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton), block error by Palazzolo, Sydney. Point OU
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OU -- 4th -- ND
  F-513 starters: Cailey, Dockery; Sydney, Palazzolo; Lauren, Tarnoff; Charity, McDowell; Ava, Lange; Nicole, Drewnick; Hattie, Monson; Maisie, Alexander; Phyona, Schrader; Alyssa, , Manitzas; Lucy, Trump.  
  F-522 starters: Payton, Chamberlain; Hannah, Pfiffner; Daleigh, Ellison; Lydia, Burts; Taylor, Preston; Callie, Kemohah; Chloe, Kaminski; Alexis, Shelton; Sydney, , Thompson; Rylee, Fay; Mele, Corral-Blagojevich.  
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie; Dockery, Cailey; Trump, Lucy; Lange, Ava.  
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee; Corral-Blagojevich, Mele; Thompson, Sydney ; Kaminski, Chloe.  
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 0-1
1-1 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Burts, Lydia (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Burts, Lydia] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 1-2
  ND subs: Dockery, Cailey.  
2-2 [Dockery, Cailey] Attack error by Tarnoff, Lauren (block by Pfiffner, Hannah; Preston, Taylor). Point OU
3-2 [Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 3-3
  ND subs: Trump, Lucy.  
  OU subs: Corral-Blagojevich, Mele.  
4-3 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Service error. Point OU
  OU subs: Thompson, Sydney .  
5-3 [Thompson, Sydney ] Attack error by Trump, Lucy (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
6-3 [Thompson, Sydney ] Attack error by Trump, Lucy (block by Pfiffner, Hannah; Shelton, Alexis; Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
7-3 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Kemohah, Callie). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Service error. Point ND 7-4
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie.  
8-4 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Trump, Lucy (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 8-5
9-5 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
10-5 [Chamberlain, Payton] Attack error by Trump, Lucy (block by Ellison, Daleigh; Shelton, Alexis; Burts, Lydia). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by McDowell, Charity (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 10-6
[Trump, Lucy] Attack error by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 10-7
11-7 [Trump, Lucy] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 11-8
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 11-9
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Burts, Lydia (block by Tarnoff, Lauren). Point ND 11-10
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 11-11
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 11-12
[Monson, Hattie] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 11-13
12-13 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee.  
[Fay, Rylee] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 12-14
13-14 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 13-15
14-15 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Service error. Point OU
  ND subs: Lange, Ava.  
15-15 [Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Pfiffner, Hannah (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  ND subs: Lange, Ava.  
[Thompson, Sydney ] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 15-16
  ND subs: Lange, Ava.  
16-16 [Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 16-17
17-17 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
18-17 [Chamberlain, Payton] Attack error by McDowell, Charity (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 18-18
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (block by Schrader, Phyona; McDowell, Charity). Point ND 18-19
19-19 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Burts, Lydia (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 19-20
20-20 [Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Tarnoff, Lauren (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
21-20 [Fay, Rylee] Service ace (Team). Point OU
[Fay, Rylee] Service error. Point ND 21-21
[Dockery, Cailey] Attack error by Pfiffner, Hannah (block by Drewnick, Nicole; Tarnoff, Lauren). Point ND 21-22
[Dockery, Cailey] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (block by Tarnoff, Lauren; Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 21-23
22-23 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 22-24
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 22-25
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OU -- 5th -- ND
  F-513 starters: Sydney, Palazzolo; Lauren, Tarnoff; Charity, McDowell; Nicole, Drewnick; Hattie, Monson; Phyona, Schrader; Alyssa, , Manitzas; Cailey, Dockery; Lucy, Trump; Maisie, Alexander; Ava, Lange.  
  F-522 starters: Payton, Chamberlain; Hannah, Pfiffner; Daleigh, Ellison; Lydia, Burts; Taylor, Preston; Callie, Kemohah; Alexis, Shelton; Mele, Corral-Blagojevich; Sydney, , Thompson; Rylee, Fay.  
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie; Dockery, Cailey; Trump, Lucy; Lange, Ava.  
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee; Ellison, Daleigh; Preston, Taylor.  
1-0 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Service error. Point ND 1-1
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (block by Tarnoff, Lauren; Schrader, Phyona). Point ND 1-2
2-2 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Service error. Point ND 2-3
  ND subs: Dockery, Cailey.  
[Dockery, Cailey] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (block by Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 2-4
[Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Monson, Hattie). Point ND 2-5
3-5 [Dockery, Cailey] Service error. Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 3-6
  OU subs: Preston, Taylor.  
4-6 [Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
  OU subs: Fay, Rylee.  
  ND subs: Lange, Ava.  
5-6 [Fay, Rylee] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  ND subs: Lange, Ava.  
  OU subs: Ellison, Daleigh.  
6-6 [Fay, Rylee] Kill by Ellison, Daleigh (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
  OU subs: Ellison, Daleigh.  
[Fay, Rylee] Service error. Point ND 6-7
  ND subs: Alexander, Maisie.  
[Alexander, Maisie] Kill by Lange, Ava (from Dockery, Cailey). Point ND 6-8
[Alexander, Maisie] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (block by McDowell, Charity; Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 6-9
7-9 [Alexander, Maisie] Service error. Point OU
8-9 [Ellison, Daleigh] Attack error by Lange, Ava (block by Pfiffner, Hannah; Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Ellison, Daleigh] Service error. Point ND 8-10
9-10 [Drewnick, Nicole] Kill by Preston, Taylor (from Corral-Blagojevich, Mele). Point OU
10-10 [Thompson, Sydney ] Attack error by Schrader, Phyona (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point OU
[Thompson, Sydney ] Service error. Point ND 10-11
[Manitzas, Alyssa ] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 10-12
11-12 [Manitzas, Alyssa ] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Kemohah, Callie). Point OU
12-12 [Kemohah, Callie] Attack error by Palazzolo, Sydney (block by Burts, Lydia; Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
13-12 [Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Burts, Lydia (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
14-12 [Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Kemohah, Callie] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 14-13
[Monson, Hattie] Attack error by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 14-14
15-14 [Monson, Hattie] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Chamberlain, Payton] Service error. Point ND 15-15
16-15 [Dockery, Cailey] Kill by Shelton, Alexis (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point OU
[Shelton, Alexis] Kill by Palazzolo, Sydney (from Drewnick, Nicole). Point ND 16-16
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Preston, Taylor (from Chamberlain, Payton). Point ND 16-17
[Palazzolo, Sydney] Attack error by Ellison, Daleigh (block by Lange, Ava). Point ND 16-18
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